28 de abril de 2010

  La refutación de la Teoría de la relatividad y de la Mecánica clásica - 
 Sobre la teoría unificada de MJP  

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Sobre la teoría unificada de MJP - La refutación de la Teoría de la Relatividad y de la Mecánica Clásica.

La prestigiosa Asociación Mensa México, ha publicado uno de mis artículos científicos en la revista "El Mensajero" y en su sitio Web (edición bimestral de mayo-junio-2012).
“Para quienes no lo sepan”, Mensa: es la organización más grande del mundo para superdotados, fue fundada en 1946 por miembros de Oxford University, y su extensión abarca actualmente 50 países.

Para leer mi artículo, pueden tener acceso desde el siguiente enlace (desde la pág. 13 hasta la pág. 23):


"Aclaro, que la siguiente extensión teórica (la he registrado como Obra Inédita), es innecesaria para personas con amplios conocimientos sobre la Teoría de la relatividad": 

- Vídeo de ayuda: Mire desde el minuto 02:45  https://youtu.be/vB2xLnazsYw
- Mire ahora la imagen adjunta, y después lea mi teoría ... Esto es muy fácil de entender!!!

Hay una confusión de conceptos existente entre Físicos que no son especializados en la Teoría de la relatividad, y ello se debe a que consideran que la misma, es funcional a un campo teórico en donde solamente existan velocidades próximas a la velocidad de la Luz. Pero, si estudian la Teoría de la relatividad, sabrán que la misma es válida debido a que en principio, la Ley de inercia de Newton deja de ser verdadera, al dejar de existir el espacio - tiempo como absoluto (es decir: lo que antes estaba en reposo, dejó de estarlo y es así que los fenómeno de percepción, pasaron a considerarse relativos, según sea el punto de vista del observador). La razón por la que sigue siendo válida la Mecánica Clásica newtoniana: es porque ante bajas velocidades, los cálculos son considerados bajo errores despreciables... La Ley de inercia volvería a tener sustento teórico verdadero, si se puede determinar la existencia de un espacio - tiempo absoluto. Tras estudios del comportamiento de la luz ("en relatividad"), se verá, que un haz de luz se curvará, si el mismo se desplaza dentro de un sistema acelerado. Es fácilmente concebible entonces que como el universo está en expansión, siempre la trayectoria de cualquier haz de luz será curvo dentro de un sistema que estará acelerado, pero haciendo uso del Principio de equivalencia relativo y contrarrestando de ése modo la aceleración producida por la fuerza "gravedad" sobre el cuerpo que contiene al haz de luz, se logrará que ése haz de luz tenga una trayectoria recta. Si reemplazamos ahora en utilidad de un sistema tecnológico cada uno de los ejes tridimensionales x,z,y por los haz de luz emitidos hacia a alfa (origen), y hacemos que los haz de luz converjan en el "origen", se puede concluir que el sistema estará ("en parte") en reposo respecto a todo el Universo, ya que la fuerza que actúan sobre el sistema que transporta a los "focos luminosos" (laser) tendrán una trayectoria recta y "NO curva" ("recuerda que si la trayectoria de la luz es curva, es debido a que hay una aceleración y por ende los haz de luz nunca llegarán a alfa"). Posteriormente debería de considerarse la velocidad y rotación del sistema (lo cual ya está tratado en mi teoría http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ). Luego, la ley de inercia deberá estar regida al Sistema de reposo absoluto de MJP, como así también la parte mecánica, ajustándose a la nuevas leyes de mi campo teórico. La parte mecánica es por eso tan simple, ya que será la misma que la de la Mecánica clásica (a la cual se le añade la constante universal 1 como múltiplo "para diferenciar campos teóricos y mecánicos") debido a que ahora si existe un espacio - tiempo absoluto desde donde serán consideradas todas las observaciones referenciales al Sistema de reposo absoluto de MJP...
Extensión teórica análoga:
IMPORTANTE (la refutación de la Teoría de la Relatividad y de la Teoría de la Mecánica Clásica): 
Les invito ahora a sumarse a éste bello viaje que nos permite hacer el "universo" de la ciencia Física, en el que quisiera compartir con ustedes mi teoría (publicada en Mensa México), con la cual he refutado a la Teoría de la Relatividad y a la Teoría de la Mecánica Clásica http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012, e ir así aclarando algunas "dudas" que "pienso" pudiesen llegar a surgir sobre la comprensión de la misma, a medida que yo vaya abordando las diferentes partes de ella. Pero para ello, daré antes algunas explicaciones, ya que hay conocimientos teóricos previos (que quizás algunas personas no conozcan, o ya puedan haberse olvidado), que concibo como obligatorios al arribar sobre la comprensión de ésta...
¡Comencemos! Les explicaré mi teoría de una manera muy sencilla, y no tendrán porqué estar de acuerdo con mis postulados, si es que luego entienden, que estoy equivocado. En sí, la Ley de inercia, es refutada por la Teoría de la Relatividad (es muy importante que si no la recuerdan de memoria, que por favor la lean nuevamente), ya que no existe en relatividad, un espacio-tiempo absoluto, pero, en mi teoría si lo existe, por lo que podremos determinar en sucesos de fenómenos naturales, que está en reposo, y que no lo está. Por favor miren ése video y luego les explicaré el resto http://youtu.be/hgjHjYIuccM ... 
Si ya lo han visto, entonces ahora miren la figura Nº 3 en mi obra. Ahora basándonos en el mismo Principio de equivalencia, surge la primera cuestión de lógica a resolver ¿Qué ocurriría con un haz luz de la nave, si en reemplazo de ella, ponemos el Sistema de Reposo Absoluto de MJP (y hacemos que la nave se desplace en el mismo sentido que éste. Para ello, les voy a pedir ahora que miren solamente la figura Nº 8 de mi obra, tomando en consideración únicamente la estructura externa del sistema)? La respuesta ha de surgir inmediatamente, si ya concebimos al "Principio de equivalencia" como un enunciado verdadero ("principio físico", que ya se ha demostrado por la Teoría de la Relatividad), es decir: un haz de luz se curvará dentro del sistema acelerado, debido a que nos rige el mismo principio... Ahora bien, si en CADA PUNTO de x, y, z (Fig. Nº 2) ponemos una de esas naves emitiendo un haz de luz hacia alfa: ¿Hemos de preguntarnos que ocurriría? Pues como el fenómeno es el mismo, y el "principio físico" es el mismo, se entiende que la luz se curvará y que nunca los haz de luz van a converger en alfa (Fig. Nº 3), debido a que: “el universo está en expansión”. Es decir: “TODO estará acelerado, incluyendo el sistema en mención”. Por lo que se entiende, que por más que NO exista un propulsor que acelere la nave, la misma acción de la gravedad la va a acelerar, cumpliendo así con es el mismo principio.... Es decir que no hay reposo absoluto hasta aquí... ¿Pero, que determina eso? Lógico y evidentemente demostrable, de que ello se debe a que los haz de luz no llegan a alfa... Entonces contrarrestaremos ésa aceleración del sistema de manera igual y opuesta, para hacer que los haz de luz incidan sobre alfa concéntricamente ¿Entonces se puede así determinar que el sistema "en parte" está en reposo absoluto respecto a todo cuerpo en el universo? Correcto, físicamente podremos hacer eso, según lo dicho anteriormente.... Luego, se deben tener en cuenta otras variables de movimiento que establezco con mayor extensión dentro de mi teoría (pero es fundamental entender lo expuesto hasta aquí, antes de continuar con la lectura de mis posteriores explicaciones).
Seguramente algún matemático desearía preguntarme sobre el espacio-tiempo absoluto, pues bien, entiéndase que ello ocurrirá, en fenómenos de medición que estén en reposo respecto al Sistema de Reposo Absoluto de MJP (mayores detalles daré más adelante) ya que podemos determinar en sucesos de fenómenos naturales, que está en reposo y que no lo está (de hecho puedo predecir que nada estará en reposo respecto a éste sistema, a no ser que éste tenga el mismo movimiento, pues "recuerden que a el Sistema de Reposo Absoluto se le debe aplicar una aceleración igual y opuesta, a la calculada en la experimentación, para así mantener los haz de luz en alfa de manera concéntrica").... De ahí es que puedo re-formular nuevamente como válida, la parte mecánica de la Mecánica Clásica, añadiendo como múltiplo simplemente la "Constante universal 1" a sus fórmulas de movimiento. Es decir, me ajusto a mi campo teórico con la misma mecánica, pero la Mecánica Clásica no es compatible con mi campo teórico, "porque el mismo no está regido por ningún Sistema de Reposo Absoluto de MJP"…
Para información de ustedes, lo por mi planteado hasta aquí, es simplemente irrefutable, sino, la Teoría de la Relatividad sería falsa ("dejo como sobre entendido que CADA TEORÍA SERÁ VÁLIDA, EN SU PROPIO CAMPO TEÓRICO"). 
¡Por favor! Les pido que no se hagan mayores complicaciones mentales respecto a lo antes dicho, pues TODO se reduce a entender que los haz de luz se curvan en un sistema acelerado.
Una vez comprendida la curvatura de la luz (otro ejemplo http://youtu.be/vvvCV28LxtM ), pueden leer ahora ( en la pág. 14 http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ) en donde digo que: "Todo cuerpo que se desplace de manera inercial, está dotado de tres componentes vectoriales inerciales, cuyo movimiento esta determinado por los ejes coordenados tridimensionales de los cuales dependen sus vectores (ejes), tal que el cuerpo, es vértice de sus vectores, a los ejes coordenados" (entiéndase ésta descripción, como ya comprobada matemáticamente). Ahora si, ya podemos avanzar un poquito más, pero "recomiendo" hacer uso de "elementos análogos" para facilitar la comprensión de las experiencias, es decir: que como físicamente "estoy describiendo movimientos de manera GENERAL (para formular nuevas leyes)", es entonces físicamente permisible, el poder reemplazar los ELEMENTOS al describir desplazamientos, de modo tal que, así se mueva un fotón, una canica, un sujeto, una pelota de tenis, etc, etc, para el caso, es exactamente lo mismo. Insto sobre la comprensión de lo ya antes expresado, porque voy a abordar seguidamente sobre las explicaciones teóricas de TODOS los movimientos de los haz de luz dentro y fuera del Sistema de Reposo Absoluto de MJP, como así también he de refutar la Ley de Inercia en su sentido general, para poder unificar así, la Mecánica Clásica y la Teoría de la Relatividad.
Voy a abordar sobre las explicaciones teóricas de TODOS los movimientos de los haz de luz dentro y fuera del Sistema de Reposo Absoluto de MJP, como así también he de refutar la Ley de Inercia en su sentido general, para poder unificar así, la Mecánica Clásica y Teoría de la Relatividad. Pero, no sin antes comentarles sobre una reflexión que me vino a la memoria: "Ello transcurrió en un capitulo de una serie televisiva que yo solía ver, una escena en donde un profesor le dice a sus alumnos que le daría todas las respuestas de su próximo examen, lo cual fue de mucha alegría para sus alumnos. Entonces el profesor tomó el material de estudio y se lo dio en la mano diciéndoles, que allí encontrarían todas las respuestas a las preguntas que él les haría en el examen". Es decir (en el enlace están todas las respuestas a lo que les he estado explicando), quién ya haya comprendido lo antes explicado, no tengo la menor duda que comprenderá la totalidad éste contenido ( http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ) y la verdad que se encierra en mis postulados.

Más imágenes explicativas:


All works published on this Blog are Unpublished Works, and I count on the National Register of Intellectual Property of each: All rights reserved. In accordance with Article 270 of the Penal Code, may be punished by fine and imprisonment those who reproduce or plagiaren in whole or in part, a literary, artistic or scientific fixed in any medium, without the required authorization.

On the unified theory of MJP - Refutation of the Theory of Relativity and Classical Mechanics. The prestigious Mensa Mexico Association has published one of my articles scientifics in the journal "The Messenger" and its Web site (bimonthly publication May-June 2012).
"For those who do not know," Mensa: the world's largest organization for gifted, was founded in 1946 by members of Oxford University, and his extension now covers 50 countries.

To read my article in spanish, can be accessed from the following link (from page 13 to page 23..)



  My name is Marcos Jesús Paredes, DNI 24,457,282, I am native and resident of the City of Río Tercero - Córdoba - Argentina (My mailing address is: CP 5850 - Bº 20 de Junio - Streets: Hipólito Yrigoyen y Rafael Obligado- Departament Nº: 135), my phones numbers: +54 (03571) 641275 / 505973 (mobile) (03571) 15619699
e-mail: marcosmjp25@hotmail.com

- Video of help: Look from 2:45 minutes - https://youtu.be/vB2xLnazsYw

- Look now the attached image, and then read my theory ... This is very easy to understand!!! 

I. INTRODUCTION: The origin of the unified Theory of MJP:

             I will make utility of the theory of relativity and Classical mechanics, to go assembling about the refuting of them, while I go theorizing, the that I called: On the Unified Theory of  MJP.
            To know which is the absolute rest of the universe, I've idealized and have developed a technological system, the which as of existential condition, should be located, away from all gravitational field, it is to say: "zero gravity". The reason for this function resides and will be support then on the law of inertia given by Classical mechanics. While this law is refuted by the Theory of relativity and only this applies to Classical mechanics, I will use it also supported by the theory of relativity, for unify both theories, after of that I described qualitatively The system of absolute rest of MJP.
In order to know as it is the exact location of rest of the mentioned system, firstly and therefore, we have to discard all type of movement in it, for I will use different theories already known to develop this new.
             It is already known that the light is curved by the action of the gravity, as this is curved by an accelerated movement, in equality with the previous phenomenon. Due to this, I will use this passage to discard later, this type of accelerated movement in the system.
It would later then, discarding the accelerated movements, remove the movements of speeds.
In order to understand which  is the form in which I will obtain this objective in a theoretical way, we have to resort to the imaginative plane. Let us imagine for example: that the system of absolute rest of MJP will pass outside  its terrestrial orbit, at a speed v, then, it will be due to understand that this system will be provided with three inertial vectorial components, that depend on the axes on the three-dimensional system of coordinates. It is then, when we will have to act on these components, with equal properties, but, opposed them, to neutralize the movements and bring the system obligatorily to the absolute rest.
About this experimental event, we have to clarify the "why" of the three inertials vectorial components, and although it seems complex to understand in certain a way, the deduction falls in a neat simplicity because it is deduced of this experience, the following thing (see system, figure 1):
             All body that moves inertially, this provided with three components vector inertials, whose movement is determined by coordinate axes three-dimensional, that depend their vectors (axes), such that the body is vertex of their vectors, to the axes of coordinate.
              We know that with the use of the axes three-dimensional, we can determine positions (system of axes coordinate), is this form that acting in an inverse form; that’s to say: replacing  the axes, by light beams, and photon emission respectively, we will be capable to determine if the system has some type of movement.  
Due to this  phenomenon, is that I will make use of lasers that will be arranged as it is seen in the figure (see figures 2 and 3), because in this way we will know that if all the beams of light do not arrive to alpha concentrically, of in manner straight, it is due to this system this being accelerated (it is understood that when the system is being accelerated, the light beams will curve, as it is seen in figure 3),  to counteract this acceleration and to bring  the system to a state of absolute rest, we will act on the same, of manner equal and opposed.
As neutralize the speeds: apparently would close here the possibility of conceiving a universe with a system at absolute rest. However it is not, we will see how this theory surpasses, the most collated predecessors theories to it. Thus, I will bring to this theoretical exhibition, “The apparent incompatibility of  the law of propagation of the light, with the Principle of relativity, and The theorem of the addition of speeds”, according to the Classical mechanics, mentioned by Albert Einstein in his book On the theory of the relativity special and general (see reference (1)). Well, in turn, I will present the following experience: we imagine that 2 people were moving at a constant speed in empty space (speed, equal to the speed of light c) Because we are using as a case particularly "special" these people. , replacing photon, it must be understood that these subjects do not affect the inertia of the body that carries to them ("in the case of photons: broadcast"), in the sense that they are directed, (as will be seen later ) and  that each one of the points,  that they taken as reference, move with respect to them,  one in opposite sense and other in equal sense,  is then,  that if we had calculated a constant time, for that they arrived the same, and they be not in absolute rest,  will vary the time t and tІ , according to the speeds of the benchmarks. It is say: that one of the people would have arrived before, and another one after the calculated. The same it would happen for each people, if instead of 2 were 6 people that started off in a time t, of a distance e (space) determined, from a central point alpha? and -, towards their datum points, as it is seen in the figure, reason why it is deduced that: if we replaced these people, by  photon emission, they then would have to arrive in different times t (in the sense  that  it moves), from points x, y, z, with respect to, - x, -y, -z in the system, if  the datum points, are arranged as it is seen in the figure ( see figure 4). If this system, by which I represent the experience, were provided with a speed movement, to be able to calculate if temporary variations exist in the travel of photons, we will resort to the use of photosensitive sensors, in the limit  of the axes x, y, z and - x, -y, -z, that are to be positioned to equal distance and in a form no removable, with which, we will be able to regulate these times t, tІ, tІІ, y -t,-tІ,-tІІ , so that being they all equal, we will be capable to positioning  the Universal system of absolute rest of MJP, in absolute rest.
It could well be understood that the system is in "rest", but would of course we have to discard the movements of the system in his own plane, such that it could have a rotatory movement, that should be possible to discard. For this, we have to make use of the same system in each one of the limit  of x, y, z, with which we could neutralize these movements, of speed and accelerations, reason why it has to be understood, that will happen exactly the same, that in this system of rectilinear movement. It is deduced that in the accelerations, the light beams have to be curved, and in the cases of the speed movements, if it will exist in the system temporary variations, in the photon emission, towards the photosensitive sensors, ( see figures 5 and 6).
It is simple to contemplate how the quotations are related to the book before mentioned, and going more ahead, how this implication, falls to a refutation of a simple logical reasoning.
             I have here, that for to predict these possible events, we will be able to exclude them, so, inescapably the system would have to be in absolute rest, justifying  the unified theory.
             One time excluded these possible event, we will be able to determine which of the bodies that do not belong to the system,  are in rest, and which not, with respect to this system in absolute rest. Nevertheless, it is no  doubt the most complex problem, the one of the rotating movements, and is due to it, that the system will have in its external structure, a graduation that has to let us determine if we are turning with respect to it, or not. It is implied, that if we remain in rest with respect to itself, we, another or other bodies that we took as datum point, it will be also.


References (Full titles)

1. Original title: Uber die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitatstheorie © The Albert Einstein Archives, The Jewish National and University Library, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Isrrael © translation: Miguel Paredes Larrucea © 1984, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996 Alianza Editorial, S.A. Madrid © 1998 Edition Atalaya, S.A.

Assembly of: The universal system of the absolute rest of MJP:

             In order to understand more on the assembly and functionality of the technological system, will be helpful see the figures. Since in them it is possible to observe, not only the internal structural part (to see figure 7) of the same, but also the external part (to see figure 8, 9 and 10, whose spherical surface, is demarcated with strategically important points and invariable, to be able to determine from an external position to the system, which is in rotation and which not, with respect to it).

The unification:

             Up to here we have arrived to the treaty of the movements and rest, but, how we will achieve to unify the Classical mechanics, with the Theory of relativity?
The logical conception turns then, on this system of absolute rest, refuting as well  the Classical mechanics, saying that this theory have validity only, when we make use of the system of absolute rest, as referential point, so that in this way, the refutation also falls on the Theory of relativity. Then all referential points that are taken as relative, loses logical validity, when this one, is taken as referential point to the system.
In this way  the System of absolute rest of MJP, will remain as the bases of the unified theory of MJP.
It is understood by the theory of  relativity, that the inertia law, is not valid for referential terrestrial points in absolute rest, neither this will be for all body that will not be in rest, with respect to the system in absolute rest.
I will refute the inertia law, in its general sense, to unify the Classical mechanics with the theory of relativity. For it, I will postulate under the theoretical support of the following laws, in a way  so, that the inertia law depends on these:

1st Law

             Only in special cases where does not exist a referential system in absolute rest of MJP , the law of inertia will be validate, to be applied  in the Classical mechanics,  as in the theory of relativity, accordance to  their supports.

2nd Law

             In the case that exists a system in absolute rest of MJP, all point, or set of referential points, have to be linked as referential point to this system.
             Considering these laws we can argue: that if the originated system will be in absolute rest, all the natural phenomena of events of vectorial measurements, have to be established by this one, or these referential points, for the treaty of the unified theory.
But how to unify, then, the laws of the Classical mechanics and the theory of Relativity in its totality?, the answer is simple, because it hefts all referential point to the System of absolute rest of MJP, according to the laws that I have developed.

The space-time, in the unified theory of MJP:

             Surely, being you a relativist physical reader, perhaps you would ask me, ¿what happens to the relative space-time ? The answer is that they have to continue being relative, as long as not exist any referential point in absolute rest. Then, the theories of the Classical mechanics, have to also continue being valid as in the relativists theories, only if any referential point in absolute rest is not taken, also,  refuting  the Theory of relativity, there exist a time and an absolute space, according to Classical mechanics, but with a certain degree of validity, taking into account that the Unified theory of MJP, is conditional to referential points of a system in absolute rest.
Although, it is clear up to here, all  the exposed previously, is possible to emphasize and to expose explicitly, other natural phenomena that are theorized, in the Theory of relativity, enunciate, that must be discarded as true within the field of the theory unified of MJP. I have to bring to this theoretical exposition, the theory of the trip in the time, because it will have to be only valid, for the Theory of relativity, because the times and spaces relative, are theoretical fragments of it, since that they not respond to an enunciate logically axiomatic, in the treaty of the same one. Then based on the principles of this theory, the relative referential points not exist for the bases of the same.

The impossibility to travel in the time, based on the principles of the unified theory of MJP:

             ¿What happens then with the relative times?, and, ¿it is possible to travel in time like something really permitted, by the unified theory? Firstly I have to respond: that the relative times do not exist, since I made mention repeated times, they do not exist in the unified theory, relative referential points and to the second question I will give the following answer: only in case of not existing a referential point in absolute rest of MJP, the theories that set up the theory of relativity, they will continue being valid for it. That is to say that the trip in the time, will be validated only for the theory of relativity, not  for the unified theory of  MJP. But I believe that surely your intelligence would result in the formulation of two new questions, as: the two theories have validity?, and ¿what are the arguments, for rebut a theory that by years was studied and analyzed, under the most rigorous theoreties?
             If we had not previously known, of a reference point in absolute rest of MJP, could not settle down truly what is in absolute rest and what is not in absolute rest, this way, is that the theory of relativity is valid, because previously, did not exist a referential point in absolute rest of MJP.
Now they are both, the relativist physicist and the unifying physicist, knowing a tangible reality.

The heuristic value of the unified theory of MJP:

             There are many theories that I would not like to leave aside, but on this phenomenon particularly, I would feel greater tranquility, if I don’t let it stumble out in eloquent factors, that would lead you to chaos and uncertainty on why,  some phenomena that are treated in the theory of the relativity and that in its apparent simplicity, have made us stumble about the logic, to all of us who like the Classical mechanics before being expert of the Theory of relativity. My interest is positioned now, in why in the theory of relativity is refuted the “The addition of speeds” ,as this exposed by the Classical mechanics. I have already mentioned that the part mechanical, of the Classical mechanics is valid in its totality, for the unified theory. Having you understand the theory of relativity, and not yet the unified theory, perhaps you thought at first instance in limiting your mind, and that all my arguments lose here. But it is not thus, because I am going to justify the unified theory, exactly unifying these theories, since it is under this theoretical constructions, which I have postulated the bases for the logic conceptions with which, this are valid.
Like investigator and creator, and considering the Law of propagation of the light and the treaty of the Addition of speeds, if it have not yet arrived at your mind the problematic answer, of this experimental event, I have in my and in your defense that the Law of the speed of the light, is not under any concept invalid by the Addition of speeds, since, the treatment of this experience will a exposition theoretical different according to is the unified theory.
Firstly I have to mention the theorem of the addition of speeds according to the Classical mechanics, exposed by the theory of relativity, in: The theorem of addition of speeds according to the classical mechanics (see quotation 6, in the book: On the theory of the relativity special and general). 
             It is understood on the basis of this theorem, that Law of speed of light, loses its logical validity, when we take to each one the photons (that conformed to the light beam), like unitary part (point) of an assembly of points which they do  the straight line, in which exist: space-time contractions and expansions. The law by which I am here justifying this affirmation, is the following one.

1 st Law

             All minimum charge of energy has a constant speed, not the set of minimum charges, that are relative to the movement of the body, from where are emitted them. It is say: that the set of charges, is contract or expand, according to the type of movement of the emitting body.

The Big Bang, in the unified theory of MJP:

             It is deduced easily according to the exposed up to here, that the system of absolute rest of MJP will allow us to know if the universe is in expansion, with respect to this universal system.
Surely you will be thinking, if this expansion is already known  by the experiences made with spectroscopy and the displacement of the spectral bands towards the red color, this cosmological phenomenon is conceived as the expansion of the universe.
Then, if this displacement is due to the expansion, by means of this system, we can know how is the mobility (type of movement) of the expansion, it would be enough then, to center the wavelength to the original position, in an equal and opposed movement.
The why of  this theory on the Big (grand charge de energy concentrate in a unique point),  arises in relation of being able to discard the speed vectorial component that could have had this one before the Big Bang, since it is deduced, they would be discarded inescapably, due to the inertia law, because this Big, was according to the theory of the Big Bang, a unique point, in where was all the matter that is scattered, in which today is our universe,  that's why it is understood, in the rearward time of the Big, did not exist outside the Big, another referential point that was not this one,  then:  if we refer to the inertia law, an outer force cannot  have existed, an external force to this point for modify its state. It is for that reason, that not having external referential point, and this point was in absolute rest with respect to itself, having to discard the part of the inertia law, that makes reference to the rectilinear uniform movements In addition this theory is useful  to argue the following laws:

1 st Law

             All body, which has a certain inertial speed, starts from an acceleration depending on the energetic load that acts on it, and shall remain in its invariable speed , unless on it, act outer forces, to force it to modify its state.
2 nd Law 
             All minimum charge of energy has a constant speed, which is dependent thereon. That is, the speed depends on the energy of which is concerned.
             In this theory lies the conception that the Big was in absolute rest, because it did not exist a charge energetic that could have acted on it, and in addition, all charge energetic that was on the Big, it is understood that exerted actions and reactions  so that the vectorial resultant was in the center of a “spherical” point, as we can understand by the theory  of the Big, before the Bang. We discard then that the Big, could be accelerated or  have a movement of speed later in time rearward. Then we have seen how,  surpassed from the later movement, the conception of how the universe of MJP, surpasses the most collated controversies, remaining these sterile and without the minimum opportunity of being rebutted.

Universal constant 1 of MJP:

             However, the mechanics of the movements of the unified theory is determined by the formulas of the classical mechanics, because I conceive that the mechanical sequence of this, can perfectly be detailed, with the single condition to consider at least a system in absolute rest of MJP as referential point, and considering, that we must use the Universal constant 1 , added as multiple, to the formulas of the  Classic mechanics, for its identification. When this one, takes into account  The system in absolute rest of MJP.
             For the theory of relativity, I will make use of its theoretical part, since in these repose theories indisputable, as for example: the theory of the curvature of the light, that is not treated in the Classical mechanics. I hope it will be misunderstood  why I do not make use of the mechanical part of the theory of relativity, because one is well, and other badly in another aspects, , but  the logical agreements must to comply with the according of the phenomena of the theory unified, in the complexity of the theoretical extensions, that are recurrent, according to  the experimental event. Then, the mechanical section of this one, I leave it available according to your conclusion of the experience to mechanize. That is to say: the mechanical modification of the unified theory, will have to be sealed according to this one, under the conception of the experience treated.

Supposed eventuality:

             I believe pleasingly, that from this theory, will have to be born an infinity of possible experiences that will be added to it. It is for that reason, that I will not approach the mechanical processing of the same.


analogous theoretical extension

"I clarify, that the following analogous theoretical extension (I have registered as unpublished work) is unnecessary for people with extensive knowledge of the theory of relativity":

There is a confusion of concepts existing, between the Physical that are not specialized in the theory of relativity, and this is because they consider that it is functional to a theoretical field where there are only speeds approaching the speed of light. But if you study the theory of relativity, you know that the same it is valid because in principle, because the law of inertia of Newton ceases to be true, if not exist the space - time as absolute (ie: what once I was at rest, I cease to be it, and so the phenomenons of perception, he spent to considered as relative, according the point of view of the observer). The reason by the that still follow valid the Newtonian Classical mechanics: it is because at low speeds, the calculations are considered insignificant errors ... The law of inertia would have real theoretical basis, if you can determine the existence of a space - time, absolute . After studies of the behavior of light ("on relativity"), you will see that a beam of light will curved, if it moves in an accelerated system. Is easily conceivable, then, that as the universe is expanding, always the path of any beam of light will be curved in a system that is accelerates, but making use of the principle of equivalence relative and counteracting that the acceleration produced by the force of the same mode the "gravity "of the body containing the beam, will ensure that the light beam, will in a straight path. If we replace now in utility of a technological system each of the three-dimensional axes x, z, y by the light beam emitted into alpha, and make the light beam converge on the "origin" (censor), it can be concluded the system will be ("in part") at rest with respect to the whole universe, as the force acting on the system which transports the "light sources" (laser) will a straight trajectory and "NO curve" ("recalls if the light path is curved, it is because there is an acceleration and hence the beam never reach alpha "). Subsequently it should be considered and rotation speed of the system (which is already agreed in my theory http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ). Then, the law of inertia must be governed to the System of Absolute Rest of MJP, as well as the mechanical side, adjusting to the new laws of my theoretical. The mechanical part is so simple, as it will be the same as that the of Classical mechanics  (to which is added the universal constant 1 as a multiple "to differentiate theoretical and mechanical fields") due to that now if there is a space- time absolute, from where they will be considered all observations referential System of Absolute Rest of MJP .. .

Analogous theoretical extension:
IMPORTANT (the refutation of the Theory of the Relativity and the Theory of Classical Mechanics):
I invite you now to join this beautiful journey that allows us to make the "universe" of physical science, which I share with you my theory (published in Mensa Mexico), with which I have refuted the Theory of the relativity and the theory of Classical Mechanics http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012, and go and clarifying some "doubts" that "I think" could arise in on the understanding of it, as I go by addressing the different parts of it. But for this, I will give some explanations before, there is previous theoretical knowledge (maybe some people do not know, or may have already forgotten), I conceive to be required to arrive on the understanding of this ...
 Let's begin! I'll explain my theory in a very simple way, and you will not have agree with my principles, if you then understand that I am wrong. As such, the law of inertia, is refuted by the Theory of Relativity (it is very important that if you not remember in your memory, please read it again), as there is not in relativity, space-time absolute, but in my theory if there is, so we can determine in events of natural phenomena, which is at rest, and that is not. Please take a look at that video and then explain to them the rest http://youtu.be/hgjHjYIuccM ...
If you have already seen the video, then now look at Figure Nº 3 in my work. Now based on the same principle of equivalence, the first question of logic that we comes to solving. What would happen to a beam light of the ship, whether to replace it, and we put an System of Absolute Rest of MJP (and make that the ship it moves in the same sense it, to do this, I'm going to order now to look only the figure Nº 8 of my work, taking into consideration only the external structure of the system)? The answer must come immediately, if it conceive the "principle of equivalence" as a true statement ("physical principle", which has already been demonstrated by the Theory of Relativity), that is: a beam of light will curved in the accelerated system because the same principle governs us ... Now, if at each point x, y, z (Fig. Nº 2) put one of those ships emitting a beam of light toward alpha: Are we to ask what would happen? Well, as the phenomenon is the same, and the "physical principle" is the same, it is understood that the light will curved and the beam of light will never converge on alpha (Fig Nº 3.), Because "the universe is expanding. " That is: "Everything will be accelerated, including the system in question". So it is understood that even though there is no propeller to accelerate the ship, it is the same action of the gravity , the it will accelerate, thus complying with the same principle .... That is, that there is not absolute rest until here ... But who determines that? Logical and clearly demonstrable that this is because the beam of light does not reach to alpha...  Then we oppose us to the acceleration of the system of mode equal and opposite, to make the beam light reaches to alpha concentrically. So then you can determine that the system "in part" is in absolute rest relative to every body in the universe? Correct, physically we can do it, as I said before ....
Then, you must take into account other variables that establish movement at greater length in my theory (but it is critical to understand what has been presented here, before proceeding with the reading of my subsequent explanations).
Surely a mathematician would wonder about the absolute space-time, well, you understand that this will happen in phenomena of measurement that are at rest relative to stationary System of Absolute Rest of MJP (further details I will give below) as we can determine in events natural phenomena, which is at rest and that it is not (in fact I can predict that nothing is at rest with respect to this system, unless it has the same movement as "you remember that the system complete rest is owed applying an acceleration equal and opposite, to that calculated on experimentation, in order to maintain the beam of light in alpha in mode concentric ") .... 
Hence I can re-formulate again as valid, the mechanical part of the Classical Mechanics, adding as a multiple just the "universal constant 1" to the formulas of motion. That is, I adjust my theoretical field with the same mechanics, but the Classical mechanics is not compatible with my theoretical field, "because it is not governed by any System of Rest Absolute of MJP" ...
For your information, the exposed, it is simply irrefutable, if not the Theory of Relativity will be false ("I leave it as about understood of that each theory, WILL BE VALID IN ITS OWN FIELD THEORY").
Please! I ask for to you that no think greater mental complications with respect to the above, it all comes down to understanding that the light beam is curved in an accelerated system.

Once understood the bending of light (another example http://youtu.be/vvvCV28LxtM ), You can now read (p. 14 http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ) in where I say: "Every body that moves in an inertial manner, is compound with three inertial vector components, whose movement is determined by the three-dimensional coordinate axes on which they depend your vectors (axes), such that the body is vertex of your vectors, to the coordinate axes "(read this description, already prove mathematically). Now if, already we can advance a little more, but "I recommend" to use "analogous elements" to facilitate understanding of the experiences, that is, that as physically "I am describing movements generally (to formulate new laws)" is then physically permissible replace elements describing displacement, so that, thus a photon, a subject, a tennis ball, etc, etc, for that matter, is exactly the same move. I call on the understanding of what has already expressed before, because I will address below on theoretical explanations of all the movements of the light beam on and off of the System of Absolute Rest of MJP, as well too I've to refute the Law of Inertia in your general sense, to unify so, Classical mechanics and the Theory of relativity.

I will touch on the theoretical explanations of all the movements of the light beam on and off the System of absolute rest of MJP, as well as I have to refute the law of inertia in its general sense, to unify so, the Classical Mechanics and Theory of Relativity. But not before of tell them about a reflection that came to my mind: "This took place in an episode of a television series I used to watch a scene where a teacher tells his students that would give all the answers to your next exam, which was of great joy for the students. Then the teacher took the study material and gave it in his hand saying that here they find all the answers to the questions he would make in the test. " That is (in the link are all responses to what I have been explaining to all you), who has already understood what explained before, I have no doubt that it will understand all the content ( http://es.scribd.com/doc/97572267/Mensajero-Mayo-Junio-2012 ) and the truth that lies in my postulate.

More explanatory images: